Once the senior management team have agreed that Using Less Stuff would be a great initiative for the whole school to get behind, the idea must be communicated to everyone associated with the school..

Information will need to go to:

  • Governors
  • Heads of departments
  • Teachers
  • Pupils
  • Support staff
  • Parents

Everyone in the school needs to be informed of the reasons for Using Less Stuff


  • Save money for the school to spend elsewhere
  • Encourage sustainability and social responsibility
  • Educate our community about these responsibilities
  • Waste Less and use fewer resources

Message - We need everyone to get involved

  • We need your commitment to do “your bit”
  • We need your feedback and ideas on how the school can Use Less
  • There is recognition and commendations available for individuals / Houses / Classes
  • There will be a whole school prize for meeting the targets

How to get started:

Go to the Downloads Section for communication templates to download and personalise for your school


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