The latest technology in LED lighting has made it economically viable as costs are coming down and light intensity and colour rendering has improved considerably. LED lighting will save your organisation money – up to 80% – as well as help reduce maintenance costs and your carbon footprint.

Here are 16 good reasons why you should consider installing LED Lighting:-

  1. Because they require less energy to power, LEDS will save you electricity:– Compared to incandescent bulbs, LED lights will save you around 80% of electrical power; In comparison with a halogen lamp, there is a 75% saving on electricity
  2. They contain no hazardous solids, liquids or gases – which can be harmful to the environment
  3. Because they are environmentally friendly, they lower your carbon footprint.
  4. LED Lights are available in a number of different colours and shades that can define the style, setting and ambience you desire
  5. There is no high-powered discharge that can have a detrimental effect on the eyes
  6. LEDs use direct light meaning there is no light pollution
  7. LEDs have no UV light, eradicating the possibility of skin damage
  8. Despite being cold to touch, LEDs offer a “warm” glow – much like their incandescent counterparts
  9. They are easy to install
  10. They are easy to uninstall (yes, that’s a separate reason!) – and won’t burn you
  11. There is no need for excessive maintenance – once they’re installed, they won’t bother you!
  12. They can last up to 50,000 hours (that’s a long time)
  13. LEDs last 2400% longer than regular halogen bulbs
  14. They are recyclable
  15. The low voltage power supply associated to LEDs increases electrical safety
  16. Most LEDs come with a two-year warranty – compared to a one-year warranty of standard lights.


  1. LEDs can be controlled with proximity switching (sensors) which will give you an instantaneous light unlike conventional high pressure lamps
  2. Latest Technology in LED is such that it can be retrofitted to existing lighting installations with minimal disruption in the work place
  3. LED can offer the same light intensity output as conventional lighting systems with much lower energy consumption costs.
  4. Lifetime expectancy of LED lighting is far greater than conventional lighting thus leading to a dramatic reduction in maintenance costs.



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