Using Less Stuff: Behaviour Change Programme

Using Less Stuff was first introduced in 2014 following the creation of Nigel Ward’s (MD of The Cost Reduction Company) book, Using Less Stuff. The book was designed to highlight the key mistakes made when costing your school and business as well as the environmental benefits of reducing what you use (although during that time, sustainability was not widely spoken about). In more recent years, the idea of sustainability has become more widespread and people are beginning to understand the severity of these issues, something Nigel has been shouting about for years.

What is the Behaviour Change Programme?

2019, saw the relaunch of the Using Less Stuff initiative through an all-new behaviour change programme. The programme is directed at Schools, to help them to reduce how much they are wasting in terms of food, water, plastic but most importantly, energy.

The programme is divided into seven sections. Starting from the beginning, it allows you to establish where you are now on your sustainability journey. It teaches you the practices you need to implement in order to make a change. It provides guidance on the appropriate way to set goals to make a difference, whilst providing projects you can use to involve the whole school and even in some cases the wider community. It teaches you how to measure your success in line with the monitoring system provided as part of joining, which allows you to measure your electricity expenditure.

Introducing new schemes into businesses can be difficult to implement. Roles can be unclear, and you may be lost for ideas resulting in a lack of motivation by colleagues. With the behaviour change programme, these problems are outlined for you. We also provide you with exciting projects that you can use to help use less stuff in your school.

Once you have completed all seven sections, the idea is to carry on repeating the programme because there is always something new to introduce, especially when sustainability is involved.

How Could the Behaviour Change Programme Help Me?

Interested in sustainability or looking to become a socially responsible organisation? Then Using Less Stuff is ideal for you. Changing behaviours in a workforce can be difficult to overcome which is why the guidance from the programme will be beneficial to your school. It takes you through a step by step guide to begin your school’s sustainability journey.

Why Should I Get Involved?

The reasons why we should be striving to live more sustainably are obvious. Firstly, it is better for the environment because you will be helping to protect the planet’s finite resources. You will also be doing your bit to combat pollution and eliminate waste. All whilst saving yourself some money.


Hopefully, this blog has given you more information on the Using Less Stuff Behaviour Change Programme and that you are interested in implementing this into your school routine. If you require further information on the programme and how it can benefit you and your school, then don’t hesitate to contact us, as we will be happy to help.


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