The prospect of a 50% rise in energy bills means many of us are concerned if we can afford our heating and electricity.

Despite the measures the Government is putting in place, such as rebates on council tax, to soften the blow, this won’t solve the impact of the price hike completely.

Many people and businesses should be looking at what cutbacks they can make to reduce the cost.

Using less, whether that’s in the home or workplace, can reduce energy consumption immensely at the same time as safeguarding the planet.

You can save the planet whilst also saving pennies.

I’ve put together some top tips on how to do this.

Start by working out how much you are using now ‘Where are we now’ this allows you to measure how well the initiatives you are going to take are working, you can visit our website and use our Carbon Footprint Calculator

● Switch your appliances off standby. Nowadays, most appliances can be turned completely off at the wall without it impacting their settings. When you go to bed at night you could make simple switches such as turning your radio off in the kitchen or switching your laptop completely off instead of leaving it plugged in on sleep mode all night.

● Did you know that washing machines and dishwashers account for about 16% of your energy consumption? Although most of us are well-versed in these measures now, it is worth a reminder to only do full loads and use eco settings if there is one. Also, instead of using the tumble dryer, because it’s quicker and easier, hang your washing out to dry.

● When it comes to the kitchen, we can’t do much about the costs of running a fridge or a freezer. However, there are still small changes you can make, such as not filling the kettle up to boil it when you’re only making one cup of tea. This can cut the energy cost by a third. In fact, if everyone did it, the UK could save more than £1 million a week.

● Did you know the average person spends eight minutes in the shower? If you cut this by half then you could save 60 litres of water per shower. Also, swapping a bath for a shower can have its benefits too, including saving you around £50 a year. Why not set an egg timer the next time you are having a shower to keep you within time.

All of these changes are better said than done but once you get into a conscious routine of using less, you won’t even notice. The money that you do save can then be used on treating yourself – how good does that sound?

Categories: Blog


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