The Behaviour Change Programme has been designed to include all individuals working in and around the school community. Available on our shop page are Using Less Stuff cards which we encourage your pupils, teachers, support staff etc to write down their bit.
‘YOUR BIT”, means you need to commit to do one thing in the next term/quarter to use less within the school, whether that’s turning the lights off in the room or switching to digital documents over paper. There is always something you could be getting involved in.
The Using Less Stuff ‘your bit’ cards are a product designed to maximize involvement. We want everyone in the school community to be part of your Using Less Stuff journey. This includes, teachers, pupils, support staff, caterers, maintenance and more. Ideally everyone in the school will have their own card. The idea is to delegate responsibility for Using Less Stuff in the school down to every individual involved. Creating a complete culture change.
Each card is unique to the person who owns it and is their chance to choose what they are going to commit to, to use less stuff. For change to happen on a wider scale, a larger number of people need to be involved. Because everyone will have their own commitment to make, it will make them feel like part of a team and motivate them to use less stuff!
Ideally everyone within the school body will have a card, these can be digital too! Our idea is that they are all published or put up in their place of work for all to see and each person will know that their pledge is known to all their mates/colleagues. Each card is unique to the individual who owns it and is their chance for them to choose how they are going to commit to using less. This can be anything from turning the radiators off before opening the windows to switching to digital documents over printed. See below a list of popular examples: :
Your bit, means what you are going to do to try to use less within the school, whether that’s turning the lights off in the room or switching to digital documents over paper. There is always something you could be getting involved in.
Another product designed to help create a Using Less Stuff community is the Using Less Stuff posters. Creating a common goal to work towards can be a great way to get everyone on board with the programme.
Each year group, key stage or house can have their own using less stuff goal, that they are working towards. This will create a sense of community and help motivate one another because they will all be working towards a common goal.
The Using Less Stuff posters have a blank section where you can write your own chosen goal. These can be placed around the school, in the cafeteria, corridors even the toilets, to act as a daily reminder to students, teachers, senior management and more to work to achieve the goal. Below is a list of potential goals which could be chosen:
The Using Less Stuff stickers have been designed to act as a visual reminder for your schools sustainable habits.
The stickers act as a visual reminder which helps get everyone within the school in the Using Less Stuff mindset. Students, teachers, support staff and more will become more conscious of their sustainable (or unsustainable) habits and make people think before they act.
The stickers work by placing them on items which you want to reduce your usage on. Some common examples where stickers have been placed are: