1. If you only do one thing, education the staff and children to turn off energy-using appliances when not in use.
2. Use your building systems properly to save energy
3. Share information with pupils and school staff
4. Upgrade heating controls
5. Use energy efficient lighting
6. Install smart metering
7. Manage ICT (Information and Communications Technology) loads
8. Draught strip windows and doors
9. Renewable energy
10. Understand your bill and how much energy is used in school
1. Develop procurement expertise – nominate and train someone to coordinate everything centrally
2. Plan ahead: identify what you need early to get the best deal
3. Buy energy efficient and sustainable consumer goods
4. Don’t buy unless you need to – does anyone have a spare?
5. Don’t spend hours saving a pound
6. Look for alternatives to branded products
7. Think sustainably about the paper your school buys and uses
8. Buy food locally and seasonally
9. Improve your buying power and work collaboratively
10. Know what you want – get the best deal for your money
11. Get it in writing – read and understand the small print
12. Share best practice – if you’ve made a good sustainable deal, let other schools know about it
1. Encourage cycling by providing secure bike storage and lockers.
2. Set up a ‘walking bus’ or an alternative scheme
3. Incorporate sustainable travel activities across the curriculum
4. Hold special promotions for active travel
5. Arrange training for walkers and cyclists on independent travel
6. Spread the message to pupils and parents
7. Liaise with feeder schools to agree guidance for new pupils on sustainable travel
8. Find ways to involve pupils obliged to travel by car
9. Work to improve bus provision and behaviour on school transport
10. Work with your local authority to identify safer routes and possible highway improvements
11. Reduce emissions from school business journeys
Energy and water are major non-staff costs in schools and a major part of schools’ environmental impact. Some schools will have greater scope for savings than others but, overall, more than 20% of energy is wasted, and simple good housekeeping can reduce fuel bills by 10%.
1. Save money, year on year
2. Create a healthier school environment
3. Reduce demand on finite resources
4. Have a positive impact on climate change by reducing emissions of carbon dioxide from energy use